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Kitesurfing Lessons

 # group lessons #
( up to 4 students per instructor ) :

Introducion to Kitesurfing   90min - 60€ 
Discovery   1 day / 3 hours - 130€ / person

Express   2 day / 6 hours - 260€ / person

Full   2-3 days / 9 hours - 360€ / person

# private lessons #
( 1 students - 1 instructor ) :

Introducion to Kitesurfing   90min - 75€ 
Discovery   2 hours - 130€ / person
Express   4 hours - 260€ / person
Full   6 hours - 360€ / person

 1h - private session - 75€


*prices valid from 10 june 2022

Introducion to Kitesurfing



Do you want to discover the sport and learn how to master the wind? Your IKO Instructor will introduce you to the sport and teach you various safety rules and skills on the land before going to the water. You will learn how to assess the wind and physical location, as well as how to properly manage the equipment

( group up to 4 ppl )

-12 years MINIMUM AGE 

Lessons program:

  • Learning how to control a small kite on the beach

  • Basic theory

  • Set up of the equipment for lesson on the water

  • Safety systems


Kitesurf Lesson duration:
Teaching time 90 min

 ---->  60€  <----

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IKO Level 1 course

Are You ready to get into the water and feel how amazing Kitesurfing really is?

Discovery course is designed for those who hesitate before taking their first steps into the kitesurfing world.

Learn the basics of controlling the kite and feel the power with your own hands. Learn how to set up the equipment and how all the safety systems work. You will see that  kitesurfing is safe and easy when taking professional course

    Lessons program:

  • Basic theory

  • Safety System

  • Set up of the equipment for lesson on the water

  • Learning how to control a inflatable kite in the water plus water relaunch

  • Exercises with kite

  • Body Drags

  • Self rescue

  • First riding attempt


Kitesurf Lesson duration:
Teaching time (1 on 1 instruction): 2 hrs
Teaching time (up to 4 students per instructor): 3 hrs

 ---->  130€  <----

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 Express Course

IKO lvl 1+2

 Express IKO 1+2 is for those who has strong physical abilities only!

 express IKO 1+2 is aimed at students who has strong physical abilities and board riding experience such as wakeboarding, snowboarding or windsurfing. This version of IKO 1 + 2 is very intense and requires good physical background. 

Lessons programme covers all points from IKO 1 +2 therefore this course lead you to become independent kitesurfer. Lessons will starts with controlling a small kite and will finish with the ability to ride on a board in both directions


Lessons program:

  • Short lessons on the beach – (approx 45 minutes) – safety briefing, equipment set up, wind window and wind directions, weather conditions assessment, location assessment

  • Lessons on the water– kite control, launch and land the kite on land and on the water, bodydragging – use the pull of the kite to move upwind and downwind, self –rescue, putting the board on your feet, waterstarts and correct body position, short riding both directions.



Lesson duration:

Teaching time (1 on 1 instruction): 4 hrs
Teaching time (up to 4 students per instructor): 6 hrs

---->  260€  <----

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Full IKO Kitesurfing

Course lvl 1+2


IKO level 1+2 course is a minimum learning programme you need to undertake to become independent kiteboarders. Your knowledge about kitesurfing will be thorough and you will understand all safety features. Lessons will starts with controlling a small kite and will finish with the ability to ride on a board in both directions. You will learn how to use your equipment in a safe manner and what to do in case of emergency.

We will issue the International IKO certificate upon completion of this course. This will enable you to rent the equipment and use kitesurfing stations all over the world!

Lessons program:

  • Short lessons on the beach (approx 45 minutes) –safety briefing, equipment set up, wind window and wind directions, weather conditions assessment, location assessment

  • Lessons on the water – kite control, launch and land the kite on land and on the water, bodydragging – use the pull of the kite to move upwind and downwind, self –rescue, putting the board on your feet, waterstarts and correct body position, short riding both directions.

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Lesson duration:

Teaching time (1 on 1 instruction): 6 hrs
Teaching time (2/3 students per instructor): 9 hrs

---->  360€  <----


*All required equipment is included in the price; helmets, life jackets, wetsuits, kiteboards, kites and harnesses

Terms and conditions

All bookings are made with 360 Kitesurfing , Binghamstown , Belmullet , Co Mayo , Ireland No booking will be confirmed until the agreed payment is received. We accept payment by bank transfer , paypal or cash

Cancellation: The company reserves the right to cancel any course for any reason at any time before the start of the course. In this situation participants will be offered alternative dates. In the event of a cancellation made by the student, any cancellation happening within 48 hours prior to the lesson will result in the loss of the lesson fee. If you can no longer travel/ join the classes due to Covid-19 either because borders are closed and/or lockdown rules are being implemented in either Ireland or your country of origin, you will receive a voucher valid indefinitely. In the event of non-suitable wind conditions, it is not possible to refund the participant,. Instead, alternative dates will be offered to reschedule. All re-bookings will be handled directly with participants for further courses and re-booking in the event of adverse conditions. A failure to attend a booked course will be considered a cancellation and will be subjected to the condition above. We are not responsible for the weather conditions and have no control over it. We will make every effort to provide alternative activities and dates. This is subject to availability.

Refunds are not given due to weather conditions. All lesson, vouchers and credit for lessons are valid for 12 months. Once expired they will not be valid. All invoices and course payments will be made at time of booking, in advance of course commencement. There is no refund or exchange for lessons, unless case of force majeure (illness- accident etc…)

/Dublin  /Wexford  /Waterford  /Sligo /Galway  

    /Westport  /Ballina  /Belmullet  /Achill

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© 2013 by 360KiteSurfing

  /Teaching With Passion

   contact: 0872073867

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